Titanic Sink Really Funny Racist Jokes

My grandfather warned people that the Titanic would sink

No one listened, but he kept on warning them nonetheless until they got sick of him and kicked him out the movie theatre

Now I know it's the 100 Aniversary of the Titanic and all...

But aren't the Italians going a little far with their tribute

I heard the titanic got a new job...

She sells sea shells down by the sea floor.

I hear it's a pretty high pressure job.

Titanic joke, I heard the titanic got a new job...

Maybe the Titanic really was a ship of dreams...

and its dream was to be a submarine.

I was going to tell you guys more jokes about the Titanic passengers

but I think they've gone overboard

To think the unthinkable

The thtory of the titanic.

Clinton on the Titanic

Reagan, Nixon and Clinton are on the Titanic.

The ship hits the iceberg and sinks slowly.

Everybody starts screaming, panicking, etc.

Reagan shouts: "Women and children first."

Nixon goes: "Screw the women!"

Clinton replies: "Do you think we have time!?"

Titanic joke, Clinton on the Titanic

What's the similarity between 6th Sense and Titanic?

Icy dead people.

What do the Titanic and The Toronto Maple Leafs have in common...

They both look great until they hit the ice.

What connects The Sixth Sense and Titanic?

Icy dead people.

A Korean and a Jew

Jew: Hey... weren't you people responsible for Pearl Harbor?

Korean: Uh... that was the Japanese. I'm Korean.

Jew: Pffft, Japanese, Chinese, Korean. What's the difference?

Korean: Well wait, weren't you people responsible for sinking the Titanic?

Jew: Uh... that was an iceberg.

Korean: Pffft, Rosenberg, Goldberg, iceberg... What's the difference?

You can explore titanic titantic reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean titanic unthinkable dad jokes. There are also titanic puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

Titanic sank 103 years ago...

...making it the only thing your mom didn't go down on! Hi-YO!

Did you know, after all these years

the pools on the Titanic are still full.

Why should one not talk about Titanic with a stranger?

Because it can't break the ice

The Titanic was recently visited by a diving crew with a robot submarine. What they found out was completely amazing.

Even after 100 years of being sunk, all the pools are still full.

A Jewish guy walks into a bar. The Chinese bartender asks him his name...

"I'm Max Goldberg", he says, "what's yours?"
"I'm Wei Zhang, it's nice to meet you."

Mr. Goldberg says, "I'll never forgive you people for bombing Pearl Harbor."
"I'm Chinese. That was the Japanese."
"Chinese, Japanese, all the same to me."

Mr. Zhang says, "I'll never forgive you people for sinking the Titanic."
"I'm Jewish, that was an iceberg."
"Goldberg, iceberg, all the same to me."

Titanic joke, A Jewish guy walks into a bar. The Chinese bartender asks him his name...

Did you know Avatar is a sequel to Titanic?

It picks up where Titanic left off, in the sense that half the cast is blue and dying.


What's the difference between the Titanic and Kim Kardashian?

The number of people who rode the Titanic is known.

What's a horrible icebreaker?

The titanic

What do you get when you cross the Atlantic with The Titanic?

About half way..

What do the iPhone 7 and the Titanic have in common?

There's no room for jack, on both of them

How many people died on the Titanic?

A boatload.

Titanic be like

"I nominate all passengers for the ice bucket challenge!"

What does an iPhone 7 and The Titanic have in common?

The end has no Jack.

What do the Hindenberg, the Titanic and Hillary Clinton have in common?

Going down on any of them would be horrifying.

Did you know?

The swimming pools in the Titanic are still full

A jew and a Chinese man are in an argument...

The jew says, "I hate your people for what you did at pearl harbour". The Chinese man says, what do you mean? That was the Japanese!". The jew replies, "Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, you're all the same. So the Chinese man says, "Well I hate your people for sinking the titanic". The jew says, "That's ridiculous; an iceberg sunk the titanic!". The Chinese man responds, "Iceberg, Goldberg, Silverberg, you're all the same".

A man is standing on the bow of the Titanic as it is sinking, holding a glass of whiskey.

He says: "I asked for ice, but this is ridiculous"

The titanic was built to last......

let that sink in.

What's not a good ice breaker?


I tried uploading a picture of the Titanic to OneDrive

... But it just kept syncing.

What's the difference between the Titanic and my ex?

The titanic only went down on 1,000 people

A Jewish man and a Chinese man strike up a conversation

Before long they're arguing.

Jewish man: "You know what? I hate you."

Chinese man: "Why?"

Jewish man: "Pearl Harbor!"

Chinese man: "That was the Japanese! I'm Chinese!"

Jewish man: "Japanese, Chinese what's the difference?"

Chinese man: "Well, you know what? I hate you."

Jewish man: "Why?"

Chinese man: "The Titanic!"

Jewish man: "An iceberg sunk the Titanic!"

Chinese man: "Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?"

The Sixth Sense and Titanic are the same movie.

Icy dead people.

My grandpa knew the Titanic was going to sink. He said it loudly countless times...

Then he got kicked out of the theater.

TIL the pool on the titanic is still filled with water to this day.

Oh wait...

My grandfather predicted that the Titanic would sink.

He tried to warn everyone that it was going to sink, but the fools wouldn't listen. Being the good man that he was, he kept on urging people to heed his warning, right up until he was escorted out of the movie theatre by security.

Did you know?

The pool on the Titanic is still filled with water.

My grandfather saw the Titanic and he warned everyone that it would sink, but no one listened

He told people a few more times and then he was kicked out of the cinema

The Titanic disaster happened 106 years ago today...

Just let that sink in

I went into the local library and asked if they had any books on the Titanic. "Oh yes, quite a few." the librarian said.

"Sorry to hear that!" I said laughing. "They'll all be ruined by now!"


Sorry that was a terrible ice breaker

Not everything on the Titanic was a failure

The pool is still full to this day.

My great grandfather got to see the Titanic

He told everyone it would sink, no one believed him. He said it again, they shut him up. For the last time, he warned everyone that it would sink. They have had enough and he got kicked out of the movie theatre.

What does titanic and the sixth sense have in common?

Icy dead people

Imagine the Titanic with a Lisp

It's unthinkable

My grandpa tried to warn everyone The Titanic was gonna sink.

When everyone just ignored him, he yelled at them three more times, eventually they got irritated and kicked him out of the theater.

I downloaded all the music to the movie Titanic.

It's syncing now.

What do you get if you cross Titanic with Sixth Sense?

Icy dead people

Did you hear about the Cop who arrested an innocent Iceberg because he thought it looked like the one that sunk the Titanic?

He was fired for Glacial Profiling.

My grandpa warned people the Titanic would sink and no one listened.

He kept warning them until they got sick of it and kicked him out of the theater.

How ungrateful people are

My grandfather tried to warn everyone that the Titanic was going to sink. Besides not believing in him, they also expelled him from the movie theater!

I renamed my iPhone The Titanic

So when I plug it in my computer it says The Titanic is syncing.

A Jewish man and a Chinese man are in a bar. Suddenly, the Jewish man punches the Chinese man in the face.

"Ow! Why did you do that?" asks he Chinese man.

"That's for Pearl Harbor," says the Jewish man.

"But the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. I'm Chinese!" says the Chinese man.

"Chinese, Japanese, what's the difference?" asks the Jewish man.

So the Chinese man punches the Jewish man.

"Ow! What's that for?" asks the Jewish man.

"It's for the Titanic," says the Chinese man.

"What? That was an iceberg that brought down the Titanic!" says the Jewish man.

"Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?"

My grandpa kept telling people that the Titanic was going to sink. They ignored him.

Eventually, they needed to throw him out the cinema.

Wanna hear a fun fact about the Titanic?

The pool is still full.

My grandad predicted that the Titanic would sink

He went to great pains to try and alert everyone. Sadly no one would listen. He told people in authority, middle-management and even the every-day punters who bought tickets. He was silenced from every corner in spite of all the evidence he put forward. Eventually he was forcibly removed from the cinema.

What do you get when you cross the ocean with the Titanic?

Half way.

What do the movies The Sixth Sense and Titanic have in common?

Icy dead people

My Grandad knew that The Titanic was going to sink.

He told every man, woman and child that the ship was going to sink.

They hushed him up.

He shouted "The ship is going to hit an iceberg and sink"

Stiĺl they tried to silence him.


That was it! He'd been warned, so they threw him out of the cinema.

I renamed my iPod The Titanic

When I plug it in, it says "The Titanic is syncing".

A Chinese man and a Jewish man are sitting next to each other on a plane.

Suddenly, the Jewish man slaps the Chinese man across the face.

"What was that for?" asks the Chinese man..

"For Pearl Harbor" says the Jewish man.

"That was Japanese. I'm Chinese," the Chinese man says.

"Chinese, Japanese" what's the difference?

Few minutes later, the Chinese man slaps the Jewish man.

"What was that for?" asks the Jew.

"It's for the Titanic."

"The Titanic? That was an iceberg..."

"Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?" says the Chinese man.

Does anyone know what the movies Titanic and The Sixth Sense have in common?

Icy dead people

I just realized Titanic and the Sixth Sense are basically the same movie.

Icy dead People!

My Grandpa saw the Titanic

From the very beginning, he warned everyone that the ship would sink. But nobody listen to him.

He was a brave man, he never gave up. He warn them again and again on many occasions... Until they kick him out from the cinema.

Why did Titanic leave its date?

He couldn't brake the ice

(This one's a tad dark… you've been warned) What do the movies The 6th Sense and Titanic have in common?

Icy dead people


In 1912, the Titanic sank and everyone still talks about it to this day.

But only weeks after the incident, another ship fell victim to the harsh ocean. This was a large cargo ship that contains various products that were supposed to be delivered to Mexico, among them were sugar, coffee beans, but the bulk of the shipment comprised of mayonnaise. You see, Mexicans love mayonnaise. That's why when it happened on a sad day in May 5th, the whole mexican wept for the fallen sailors and the delicious products they were supposed to enjoy.

Since then, the day of mourning came to be: >!Sinko De Mayo!<

I renamed my iPhone "The Titanic"

Now, when I plug it in, it informs me: The Titanic is syncing.

The band on Titanic looked at each other and said..

We're syncing!

I don't always make Titanic jokes

But when I do, I use them to break the ice

my grandfather knew the Titanic was going to sink and kept yelling for everyone to get off

he got kicked out of the theater that day

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Source: https://jokojokes.com/titanic-jokes.html

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